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Featured Message from a Transparency Ambassador:
"Just watched your 28 minute transparency wave video. Wow! Completely agree. My story has more to do with the core of who I am from suffering a massive stroke that paralyzed me @ the age of 30 to standing by a severely drug-addicted football star friend of mine that everybody else threw away. Where my customers would refuse to work with anyone else at my company other than me. even though it would take me a year to recover; knowing I would. Never doubting. They innately only trusted me. I remember thinking isn't everyone this way? My Manager told me I was different. At that time, I was a sales Rep for a little known company, Xerox. To a man who is alive today after spending 20+ years in jail for non-violent possession charges having become addicted from shoulder surgery nealy 30 years ago, only to still suffer from the stigma because he fears what people think. Knowing that by stepping into the light unafraid of how I'd be judged, his children thrive today because I faced my fears and did what I felt was right. Transparency or rather living freely is the core of who I am. I fear nothing. Incredibly appreciative of all that I am. Wanting more for others than they want for themselves. I hope there will be an opportunity to meet you some day. Thank you."
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Transparency Stories:
- NEWS: Paul Pagnato Advises UGA Students to Prepare for Unprecedented Change
- News: MIT grades local cities on government transparency
- News: Amazon quietly publishes its latest transparency report
- News: New transparency website shares reports, data about the UO
- News: Airfare Transparency Made the Free Market Freer
- News: The case for AI transparency requirements
- News: Colorado Democrats Want More Price Transparency From Drug Companies
- News: Apple publishes new transparency report detailing govt data requests and App Store removals
- News: Murphy seeks more transparency, but says ‘mission’ unchanged
- News: Rent the Runway CEO Says Transparency About Logistics Problems Boosted Brand Loyalty
- News: Facebook Allows Users to See Fewer Political Ads, Increases Transparency
- News: Officials say new city budgeting process promotes transparency